The ultimate 3 day, 2 night retreat in beautiful Santa Barbara. Attend unique workshops, relax by the pool and enjoy farm to table meals under the stars. This is your chance to connect with and discover what makes you TRULY HAPPY. Elevate your health, quiet your negative internal chatter, learn to meal plan like a ninja, improve platonic and romantic relationships, improve your home environment, reduce your stress level, learn to meditate (for real this time), honor your body, create lasting connections, get artistic and set goals that get you re-energized in your beautiful life. You deserve this!
Questions for you...
Do you ever feel like you should be taking better care of yourself?
Do you have a negative voice in your head that says mean things when you're in front of the mirror?
Do you feel annoyingly disorganized but don't have the time or energy to make a change?
Do you feel like you've had the same goals written in your journal for months, maybe even years?
Does your daily stress level feel out of control?
Do you have a romantic relationship that could use a tune up? Not enough sexy time, too little or too much conflict?
If you identified with any of the items above, you are going to LOVE the Happiness Retreat!